GameDuell Inc. - Play Sudoku

About Us

Bored of the old computer in your room? No worries. We, at Mode Tech. strives to provide you the latest gadget trends at prices that will blow you off your feet.

Most of the product listed are customizable. Feel free to give us your desired specs through E-mail at

Wish you a nice day from Mode-Tech Team.

Thank You,

Windows 7


Monday, January 25, 2010

2010 New Year Razer Promotion

Razer end of year promotion sales!!!

Razer Mamba - $190

Razer Imperator - $130

Razer Orochi - $130

Razer Naga - $130

Razer Abyssus - $85

Razer Megalodon - $230

Razer Moray - $65

Razer Arctosa - $85

Razer Megasome - $80

* Base on first come first serve basis
* Price are subjected to changes
* Limited stock available